The increasing events of climate change in recent years, especially the August 2018 deluge and its impacts has been an eye-opener towards the necessity for disaster preparedness. In this backdrop, we incorporated a disaster preparedness module with the ongoing Jalapadam habitat learning program in the schools in and around Vembanad. With the technical and financial support of CERC, summer swimming camps were introduced in 4 schools which are situated close to the water bodies. Through this program, around 200 students from four schools were trained.
A one-day disaster preparedness workshop was organized for the teachers of Alappuzha district with the
support of the educational department, District Disaster Management Authority and UNDP. Around 300 teachers were trained under the program from 4 educational districts in Alappuzha. The main objective of this workshop was to inculcate a culture of preparedness at the school/ college level during times of a disaster/ emergency situation.
We have set up green libraries for 12 more schools, totaling 25 schools. Students in their spare time visited the Green Library and used them to gain knowledge and to practice conservation. Students were motivated to write the content of the books they read and present it in school assembly. Thus they practice the concept of knowledge sharing and generate the curiosity to know more about the subject.

Food and nutrition are closely linked to the health and well being of society. Safe to eat food has become a major concern for modern society. Kerala, being a consumer state, depends largely on the foodstuffs coming from the other states which are sprayed with pesticides. A healthy society always would think about consuming safe and nutritious local and seasonal foods that are of high nutritive value. Both Moringa and Papaya can easily be grown in the homesteads into trees of 4ft to 5ft height in a very short period. Moringa powder has an increasing demand among the health co scious people in different parts of the world.
​To ensure nutritional security in the region, ATREE-CERC in association with Muhamma Panchayat distributed Moringa and Papaya Saplings to 600+ households from ward no 6 in Muhamma Panchayat. The main aim of the project was to promote nutritional security.